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Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Mark Your Calendars.
7 pm.
June 13.
There’s nothing like watching your words ripped to shreds by a boss or teacher. To have prized press releases or feature articles returned, dripping in red ink-- even if most of the edits and corrections jabbed in between the words are, in fact, right on target.
Judy Reeves says that writing is a two-step process, “first the raw, rough draft, then the rewriting of it.” I would counter that the writing process is more of a multi-step process: first the rough draft, then the first draft, then the rewriting of it, and the rewriting of it, and the rewriting of it....and so on, before it gets to an editor with a sharp red pen.
So, come on down to National University on Monday, June 13, 7 pm and find out ....
NOTE: Michelle had asked me to do a class on editing... however, I shifted to re-writing as the focus because "editing" is the careful reading that an editor gives your piece. He/she acts as a surrogate for the reader, and is the last line of defense against mistakes. We need to learn to catch our own cliches, jargon, assumptions, as much as possible-- and hopefully attract the attention of someone who wants to publish our work!
In the meantime...
1. Read your piece. Outloud.
2. Read your piece as if you've never seen it before.
3. Read these couple of articles:
"Speak Up! I can't Read You" by Chip Scanlan (check out this site, by the way... lots of good stuff, even though its focus is journalism)
and "Revising and Re-writing" by Judy Reeves
and FINALLY...
Marsha: where are you? is Hell Month over? what do you believe? did you hear the one about the pizza delivery guy?
Claire: we've missed you! how's the dialogue coming along?
Michelle: got the next chapter. good job!
Barbara: keep at it! its coming along and we're all looking forward to reading more!
Eber: open invitation! See you First Friday!
Lex: where are you? did you go to Italy? everyone else did...
Jenn: reconstructing my mother... I'll be recycling some stuff you've already seen, so be warned, and bring a hankie...
And everyone: KEEP WRITING!!! and RSVP please.
Judy Reeves says that writing is a two-step process, “first the raw, rough draft, then the rewriting of it.” I would counter that the writing process is more of a multi-step process: first the rough draft, then the first draft, then the rewriting of it, and the rewriting of it, and the rewriting of it....and so on, before it gets to an editor with a sharp red pen.
So, come on down to National University on Monday, June 13, 7 pm and find out ....
Do You Have the (re) Write Stuff?
NOTE: Michelle had asked me to do a class on editing... however, I shifted to re-writing as the focus because "editing" is the careful reading that an editor gives your piece. He/she acts as a surrogate for the reader, and is the last line of defense against mistakes. We need to learn to catch our own cliches, jargon, assumptions, as much as possible-- and hopefully attract the attention of someone who wants to publish our work!
In the meantime...
1. Read your piece. Outloud.
2. Read your piece as if you've never seen it before.
3. Read these couple of articles:
"Speak Up! I can't Read You" by Chip Scanlan (check out this site, by the way... lots of good stuff, even though its focus is journalism)
and "Revising and Re-writing" by Judy Reeves
and FINALLY...
Marsha: where are you? is Hell Month over? what do you believe? did you hear the one about the pizza delivery guy?
Claire: we've missed you! how's the dialogue coming along?
Michelle: got the next chapter. good job!
Barbara: keep at it! its coming along and we're all looking forward to reading more!
Eber: open invitation! See you First Friday!
Lex: where are you? did you go to Italy? everyone else did...
Jenn: reconstructing my mother... I'll be recycling some stuff you've already seen, so be warned, and bring a hankie...
And everyone: KEEP WRITING!!! and RSVP please.