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Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Meeting February 7 :: Recap
Devil is in the Details
In attendance: Jennifer, Marsha, Michelle and Claire.
We talked, we commiserated about being writers, we drank warm and cold beverages and tried to get water.
We talked about adding detail to our text. Jenn read some stuff from Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott... and then shared the opening, detail-laden couple of paragraphs from one of Anne Lamott's novels, Joe Jones: A Novel.
Absent: Mike, Lex, Eber... Nellie... did we scare you off? Join us when you can!
We wrote....
about an old lady walking
home from the library or the farmers market...
She wore a tattered brown or green wool coat
and orthopedic shoes or bedroom slippers
depending on who
you believed.
Claire shared an essay on being a GR8 mom-- a wonderful start, and everyone wanted more details more story telling... Jenn (that's me) keeps trying to make the essay about her sister work and needs to keep working on it or move on to something else... Marsha did quite a bit of research on markets, thinking about the direction she wants to take her writing, and managed a little guilt about not bringing a draft, but that's ok, it's only a goal not a mandate!
Michelle brought Chapter One which we didn't get a chance to read, she emailed us later.
Next Meeting TBD: Michelle taking the lead, penance for being late!
Feb. 21, which is Presidents Day, may not be a good meeting day if kids are off school. Michelle will get back to us with details.
Also, we're thinking about meeting back at National University... just hang out in the lobby on those nice comfy couches. Its quiet. Or check into the libraries.... we'll keep you posted. Please if you have suggestions, please share. This is a group thing.