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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Query Letters

If you want to get your writing published, you'll eventually have to write a query letter... which is where I am now. I have an idea actually for a spot on NPRs "This American Life," TAL for short. Since that is a long shot, not to mention a long process, I thought I would spin part of my idea into an article first, and maybe get double duty out of the content.
There are lots of good websites out there with great information on the Dos and Don'ts, so rather than reiterate here, I'll just point you in the right direction:
eHow has a well written How-To:
A query letter can be the key to getting the attention of an agent or editor - people who can be instrumental in getting your work published. While a query letter should be brief, it should also be detailed and leave the reader eager to see your complete article or manuscript. ...MORE... also had a concise write up, and writer Moira Allen had a sample query letter on her website, along with more great tips.
There's a lot of info out there to slog through. Whatever you do, make sure you have your best editor friends and fellow writers give it the once over. Not much worse than a query letter laden with typos. And the best advice I got from an editor friend is Be SURE you know the submission guidelines for the publication... and follow them to a tee, else you risk really ticking them off... not a good way to start a relationship.