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Monday, March 07, 2005

March 14: The Cowardly Lion Has It

Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow
that talent to the dark place where it leads -- Erica Jong

Monday, March 14 MondayNight Writers
7 to 9 p.m.
National University Lobby

The Cowardly Lion Has It

"The facts of the matter are less demanding to write about than the feelings. Literal truth doesn't demand as much from a writer as emotional truth." The Courage to Write: How Writers Transcend Fear by Ralph Keyes.

Please send me an e-mail before Sunday, March 13 letting me know if you'll be there or not!


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

February 28: Meeting RE CAP


February 28th Marsha, Michelle and Claire met at the National University Lobby. It worked out great. This is now our permanent meeting place, unless we get kicked out. We missed Jenn, Eber, Lex and Michael.

-- We talked about blogs and their benefits. Hopefully Jenn will be able to bring us up to speed at the next meeting.
-- We discussed adding members to our group. At the present time we have 7 members. It was decided to leave our group as it is for now. If in the future our numbers dwindle, we may invite others to a meeting to see how they fit in.
-- Starting with the March 14 meeting, we would like all members to confirm their attendance to that meeting's leader (in this case it's me, Claire -- so either respond with an e-mail or call me at 619-370-4052 before Sunday, March 13). We all know how things come up. If everyone responds, then the group would know if we should wait for you or not. As you recall, the two hours fly by, so getting started on time -- or close to it -- is important.

Writing Exercise
Michelle introduced her "Come to Your Senses" exercise. She shared two books with us on the topic of writing while keeping sensory words in mind:
-- Burroway, Janet, "Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft."
-- Brandeis, Gayle, "Fruitflesh: Seeds of Inspiration for Women Who Write."
We then experienced fresh, flavorful strawberries and wrote about them, considering all five of our senses. This was an excellent exercise. Thank you Michelle! It was time well spent.

Writing Commitments
Jenn: honing her sister piece by writing a query.
Marsha: will polish and send out at least 5 queries to various publications re: "Caffe Freddo" Also, she will query some editors about their interest in her upcoming trip to Italy, in the hopes that she can provide them with an article upon her return.
Claire: Promised to put her "butt in the chair" and write. She will bring in a new chapter from her work-in-progress for critique.
Michelle: Will provide Chapter 3 of her book, as well as an synopsis for our review.
Lex: submit something to the group
Eber: outline of his novel
Michael: What are you working on??

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