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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
The Devil is in the Details!
What: Writing, friendship...
Where: Wired Cafe (map)
When: 7-9 pm, Monday February 7
How: With exuberance
Why: To Write!
Devil is in the Details... The "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman (Random House, New York, 1996) shows this phrase as a variation of "God is in the details - Whatever one does should be done thoroughly; details are important. The saying is generally attributed to Gustave Flaubert (1821-80), who is often quoted as saying, 'Le bon Dieu est dans le detail' (God is in the details). Other attributions include Michelangelo, the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, and the art historian Aby Warburg. 'The Devil is in the details' is a variant of the proverb, referring to a catch hidden in the details. 'Governing is in the details''and 'The truth, if it exists, is in the details' are recent variants.
For Class:
- Bring a short sample (a paragraph or two) of a piece of writing (yours or someone else’s) you find chock-full and dripping with details.
- We’ll be doing an “in-class” writing practice, so bring paper, pen, etc.
- Bring something for Read/Critique
"Truth is in the Details" by Judy Reeves
Details, truthfully rendered, bring your writing to life and create connection points for the readers.
Fact: We had dinner at 6 p.m.
Detail: We had dinner of roast chicken, boiled red potatoes, corn on the cob, and tomatoes. It was a little early for the corn; that, which she bought at the Farmer's Market earlier in the day, probably came force-ripened from some greenhouse in the middle of the city. Certainly not a farmer's field.
Single, telling details skillfully wrought relate more about a character or a place than a thousand more general aspects. MORE>>
First Meeting January 17::ReCap
Our small gathering last night was nice. It was good to visit and catch up... and we made a few decisions about the format and direction of the group, which of course are not set in stone... and subject to change as the group evolves...
First, we will meet the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month...
Second, we will devote a bit of each meeting to chit chat and personal updates, and the like.
Third, we would like to do some sort of in-class writing exercise. Short.
Fourth, we would like to have plenty of read/critique time....
Fifth, we will rotate the leadership position: Next meeting, Feb. 7, I'm in charge
And finally, we would use the group as support for setting writing goals, and accomplishing them! Specifically in regards to the process of writing/submitting, etc.
Toward that end, those of us who were there set the following goals:
Marsha, is going to polish up a travel piece and begin researching outlets. And ultimately, publish some stuff.
Jennifer (that's me) is going to email a recap (this is it) and re-work her piece about her sister into a more traditional essay for submitting to a cancer magazine she knows about and already got the editorial guidelines for --yes, Claire, I was listening to your advice;-) And ultimately, publish some stuff!
Eber is going to do an outline of his novel... using 3x5 index cards so they can be constantly re-arranged. He might think his first goal is to just buy the cards, but hey, I'm doing the recap here ;-)
Michelle is going to write her novel. Just kidding. She has already written it. Her goal for next meeting is to do a re-working of, and bring Chapter 1. Her overall goal is complete 3 chapters, and shop for an agent.
Not in attendance, not off the hook ( in other words, define a small goal for next meeting... and we'll hold you accountable): Lex,Claire, Michael, Nellie, and anyone else on this email list that I may have missed...
Candace, Sue, hope to see you at some point. Let us know if you want off our distribution list...
I'm getting my thoughts organized for the upcoming meeting, and will send out a reminder notice, with instructions regarding what to bring, etc.
And keep on writing everyone!!!!